August 30, 2004

Update Time Again

It's been 2 weeks since the last update, so I thought I'd get you up to speed on what we've been doing.

We haven't raided quite as much as we usually do. Hope it's not a case of burn out...that would make me QQ irl. We did a few ele raids for some gear, and we even tried our hand at Fennin Ro.

The Fennin Ro raid was fun, even if it was a failure. We went in not knowing a whole lot about the event, and boy did it show! Our first attempt ended with FR around 52%. Some positioning issues soon had the MT getting summoned out of heal range, and then it was just a slow wait til FR went through the rest of the raid. We tried 2 more times that night, mainly to try some different positionings, but nothing worked any better than our first position. We know what we gotta do to beat it, and hopefully we'll be able to do that on our next attempt.

FR: 3
UG: 0

Other than that, there isn't a whole lot to say. Mainly we've just been farming molds. We did sneak in another RZTWL kill, which got us another BoW! YAY!!! Grats Rypem.

A lot of the loot from the raids isn't pictured because I wasn't there, or I just plain fergot to get a screenshot. So even the pics we do have are kinda slim. But here's the loot anyway! Just click on the banners to pop up the loot.





So for those of you that are keeping track at home, we're up to we're now up to 54 elemental molds/patterns with only 586 more to go...

Sorry, no weird guildchat at this time. I'll look back through screenshots and edit it in here later, cuz I'm sure Celleste said something perverted again.


As promised...


Posted by Gaeaan at August 30, 2004 05:29 PM

I'm sure Celleste said something perverted again.


Posted by: Rated at August 31, 2004 05:06 AM

I haven't been on much since the last update QQ so there prolly isn't much there = /

But i'll try harder for the next update!

Posted by: Celleste at August 31, 2004 09:18 AM

i forgot about that first one, Gae .. hah

Posted by: Groeder at September 5, 2004 10:10 AM