November 07, 2004

We're Still Around...

Yes, it's been a LONG time since I've actually posted an update. I'm a slacker. But that doesn't mean we have been dormant. Actually it's been quite the opposite.

We've been raiding, flagging, keying, and farming pretty much nonstop since the last update. We took a week long break after OoW's release so that our members could go explore the new expansion and xp grind a little bit. But after that week was over, it was business as usual, and business is good.

We had our last VT run since my last update. VT was very good to us, and it served it's purpose, but it was time for us to move on and focus more on progressing through PoP. Some of our members miss the 5-8 hour clears, but that's simply due to their masochistic needs.

We knocked out Fennin a few more times, not only as an effort to backflag, but to keep feeding daggers to our rogues. We're far from being finished with killing him.

We went to work in Air finally and managed to get a few keys built for Xegony's island. Once that was done we had our first attempt at Xegony. The pathing/agro bugs since the release of OoW are still there. So needless to say our first attempt didn't go so well. But, we're going to keep trying and see if we can figure out a way to beat the encounter without worrying about the councilmen agroing with the waves.

We finally finished backflagging all our members on tier 1 & 2 mobs. Every member has access now to Sol Ro Tower, with the exception of 1 cleric who won't finish his BoT key. I won't give ya his name, but here's a hint. His name begins with B and ends with igtrouser. If you can figure out his name, feel free to send him tells harassing him about being a slacker.

Our new backflag targets are RZTWL, SR, and Agnarr. We did our backflag week on our new targets and managed to walk away with another BoW. Grats Lao.

That's about all there is to report from in game. As you can tell, I changed the newspage. Hope you enjoy the new look.

Grats Macleod on the new addition of a little ranger girl.

Here's everything we looted since the last update. There's no pics for it simply because it would be OMFG huge. Plus I blasted all my screenshots...


--Tethered Air Cape-- Faddin, Willibik
--Prismatic Belt of the Queztocatal-- Gildoor
--Resplendent Epaulets-- Raganok
--Ensorcelled Metalcloth Cape-- Greyherst
--Gleaming Pendant of Xegony-- Spacey
--Bulwark of Shimmering Steel-- Yalikteniel, Zastrow-
--Woven Steel Sash-- Taedriana
--Band of Swirling Air-- Aoyafrog
--Radiant Feather-- Oziz
--Hammered Faceguard-- Laoghaire
--The Rhythm of Xegony-- Jarce
--Ivory Hilted Cleaver-- Kching, Blics

--Elemental Chain Coif Pattern-- Jebbediah
--Elemental Chain Glove Pattern-- Llbiin

--Elemental Leather Helm Pattern-- Taedriana
--Elemental Leather Wrist Pattern-- Taedriana

--Elemental Gauntlet Mold-- Teluas, Vilix
--Elemental Helm Mold-- Laoghaire

--Elemental Silk Bracelet Pattern-- Naginata


--Girdle of Earthen Stability-- Llbiin, Darkash


--Shining Crimson Shawl-- Elsmul, Ughlei, Zolords, Willibik
--Fang of Flame-- Jarce, Greyherst
--Necklace of Reflected Flames-- Lolan, Blics, Jarce, Bigfatugly, Jebbediah, Jizma, Caelidar, Unbreathable
--Fiery Staff of Zha-- Jizma
--Cloak of Combustion-- Zolords, Taedriana, Madriin, Zhuol, Tumble
--Mask of the Insightful-- Compvi, Tumble, Serj
--Band of Elder Understanding-- Doctornic
--Blaring Horn of Fire-- Kahzid
--Fire Marked Rune-- Zoltaan
--Ifir, Dagger of Fire-- Gnobbi, Aqhua, Bugzy
--Earring of Eternal Flame-- Oziz, Krylo
--Shimmering Sleeves of Flame-- Skinnybones, Curkin, Vindar, Cranberry, Willibik
--Lava Forged Face Guard-- Jarce
--Bracer of Flickering Flames-- Priime
--Essence of Fire-- Gaeaan
--Gleaming Mesh Girdle-- Healinghandz
--Cape of Flames-- Yalikteniel, Spacey
--Ornate Greatblade-- Greyherst
--Drape of the Agile-- Dracquez, Reffellos
--Blackflame Sphere-- Modim, Zhuol
--Phoenix Claw Talisman-- Naffy

--Elemental Chain Boot Pattern-- Naffy, Jasfer, Quimist
--Elemental Chain Sleeve Pattern-- Macleod,
--Elemental Chain Glove Pattern-- Raganok, Shavted, Macleod, Lolan
--Elemental Chain Pant Pattern-- Jasfer
--Elemental Chain Coif Pattern-- Lolan, Gnobbi, Blics, Ughlei, Buffalot
--Elemental Chain Bracelet Pattern-- Aqhua, Blics, Zhuol

--Elemental Leather Boot Pattern-- Katlike, Rated, Gokujinn
--Elemental Leather Wrist Pattern-- Rated, Aaylaa
--Elemental Leather Helm Pattern-- Compii, Bippity, Rated, Romerez
--Elemental Leather Glove Pattern-- Zolords, Lastiz, Gokujinn, Katlike, Filtir
--Elemental Leather Sleeve Pattern-- Madriin

--Elemental Bracer Mold-- Laoghaire, Rypem, Aceatol, Nightengale, Rayken, Priime
--Elemental Vambrace Mold-- Nightengale, Aceatol, Zlayer
--Elemental Gauntlet Mold-- Priime, Rayken, Greyherst, Valimora, Serj, Bigfatugly, Stooky, Laoghaire, Zlayer
--Elemental Helm Mold-- Aoyafrog, Gaeaan, Vilix, Zlayer, Nightengale
--Elemental Boot Mold-- Zlayer, Nightengale

--Elemental Silk Glove Pattern-- Vindar, Willibik, Aillron, Celleste, Egdoid, Spacey, Dirvani
--Elemental Silk Bracelet Pattern-- Zastrow x2, Druzil
--Elemental Silk Sleeve Pattern-- Aillron, Dirvani, Zastrow, Fanya
--Elemental Silk Turban Pattern-- Toxil, Celleste, Aillron, Druzil
--Elemental Silk Boot Pattern-- Zastrow, Zoltaan, Dirvani


--Algae Covered Stiletto-- Celleste
--Gem Encrusted Axe-- Teluas

--Elemental Chain Bracelet Pattern-- Jasfer

--Elemental Leather Sleeve Pattern-- Compii, Ooken, Romerez
--Elemental Leather Wrist Pattern-- Zolords, Aaylaa

--Elemental Vambrace Mold-- Gaeaan, Rayken

--Elemental Silk Bracelet Pattern-- Skalantra, Aillron
--Elemental Silk Sleeve Pattern-- Spacey
--Elemental Silk Boot Pattern-- Toxil


--Earring of Vigor-- Digin
--Darkened Claw Amulet-- Groeder
--Tiny Cap of Sight-- Ssmyth
--Obsidian Necklace-- Katalia
--Ring of Flamewarding-- Yalikteniel
--Sanguine Eyepatch-- Groeder
--Earring of Falling Stars-- Platsake
--Mask of Resiliance-- Teluas
--Bow of Flames-- Digin
--Lunar Fungus Covered Tunic-- Raganok
--Cloudy Steel Mask-- Digin
--Bone Necklace of Battle-- Romerez
--Bracelet of Darkness-- Zhuol, Traax
--Ring of Resistance-- Healinghandz
--Crown of Ambivalence-- Zolords
--Wand of Tranquility-- Ssmyth
--Umbracite Plate Leggings-- Teluas
--Talisman of Vah Kerrath-- Compii
--Great Shadow Platemail-- Aoyafrog
--Leggings of Secrets-- Deveraux
--Mail of Judgment-- Taedriana

Backflag Mobs

--Miserable Bauble-- Zhuol, Oxxan
--Twin-blade of Sorrow-- Bwon
--Greater Poleaxe of Sorrow-- Zolordes
--Signet of Withered Flesh-- Skinnybones
--Runed Lance of Gryme-- Digin
--Bone Spiked Crusher-- Scyllua
--Stormriders Gauntlets-- Molarto
--Orb of Thunderous Spirits-- Filtir
--Honorable Longsword-- Scyllua
--Ornate Breastplate Mold-- Infamous, Bigfatugly
--Bow of Contortion-- Molarto
--Gemstone Choker-- Ssmyth
--Warder's Ornate Broadsword-- Blics
--Ornate Leather Tunic Pattern-- Romerez, Rendobi
--Gauntlets of the Burning Prince-- Gwaar
--Raiment of the Fire Son-- Stooky, Serj
--Pendant of the Triumphant Victor-- Kruphex
--Tallon's War Charm-- Celleste
--Veteran's Battle Charm-- Rated
--Sable Lined Mantle-- Groeder
--Fearsome Midnight Cloak-- Tigi
--Guard Captains Faceguard-- Rayken
--Malarian Leg Ear Stud-- Quelling
--Self Contained Force Barrier-- Zhuol
--Protective Dust Drape-- Spearritt
--Cloak of the Wrulons-- Ughlei
--Blade of the Tempest-- Karbacth
--Shaded Cloak-- Bigtrouser, Dimleelit
--Unadorned Cloak of Battle-- Traax
--Decayed Shoes of the Plaguebringer-- Aentares, Bigtrouser
--Black Collar of Boundless Might-- Buffalot
--Baroque Half Mask of Solusek Ro-- Jebbediah
--Double Edged Stormblade-- Aqhua, Dirkz
--Grimfaced Visor-- Lolan, Gnobbi
--Blade of War-- Laoghaire

Til I decide to actually update this thing again, taker easy fuggeroos


Posted by Gaeaan at November 7, 2004 12:46 AM

OMG its about time!!!

Posted by: Taedriana at November 7, 2004 02:04 AM

Wonder who Gaeaan is talking about :P

Posted by: Jizma at November 8, 2004 01:34 PM

Hey Guys, this is Maut, long time no see....happy to hear everyone in the guild is doing good. Gratz Macleod. Miss playing with you guys alot, and if you guys still remember me in awhile i might come back. Ill pop in and out of EQ from time to time to say hi to you guys. It was fun while i was with you guys and i think you guys are the best. I miss the constant harrasment of being a sucky druid. Later guys


Posted by: Maut at January 19, 2005 09:38 PM