April 18, 2007

Mob Violence Rocks Middle Earth

Tensions reached a boiling point today between farmers and goblin slayers when the goblin slayer union reached an agreement with the weaponsmith community to sell only vastly inferior farming tools to the pipeweed union. Previously, pipeweed tools were capable of extracting multiple seeds from seed quality plants; the agreement stipulates that in the future only one seed may be extracted while the rest of the plant is mangled. Outraged pipeweed crossbreeders rallied in Staddle and Hobbiton with chants of "Pipe-weed for life" and "Cross-breed or NO WEED".

The Hobbiton rally resulted in only minor property damage and seed strewn tables and ground, but the Staddle rally turned ugly. Sparked by an unknown raven, the mob turned on Ponto Underhill, venting their fury onto the local vendor.


A farmer, who we have agreed not to identify for fear of reprisals, said he saw the local constables drag Ponto away amid shouts and fireballs. Ponto is reported to be in critical conditions in a local healer's hut. No arrests were made.

Posted by at 08:36 AM | Comments (1)

April 17, 2007

Preorder to Live Transition

For those of you who may have missed the news, there's now official confirmation your accounts won't go dark on the 24th. According to Patience:

There will be a grace period after the 24th for Pre-order customers to keep playing until they get their retail boxes. No worries that you'll be left out if you don't have box in hand.

Open Beta players will not be able to play past the 24th, however. If they wish to play past launch, they need to Pre-order or buy the game (but only those who Pre-order get to keep their characters into Live).


Posted by at 10:18 AM | Comments (0)

April 01, 2007

Diary of an Elven Quest Giver

Dear Diary,

Mood: apathetic

Life is SOOO depressing. I cant belive that middle earth is slipping away. One day I'll just give up and go back west, but its so depressing. I feel like crying, but I dont wanna mess up my eyeshadow, so I just hold all the tears inside. At least my clothes are nice. I wish I could find something black to do with my mood, but burgundy says "Im tormented", doesnt it?

Lots of new elves running around today. So depressing. They wandered all over the lawn, and squished the blades of grass like my spirit has been crushed by whats happening in Middle Earth. (Im so depressed!). They all kept bugging me while I was writing some poems. (Do you know anything that rhyms with blase? Me neither. Thats depressing. Even the words are dying here) So I sent them all to get some leaves, hoping they would take the hint. They didnt. They went and found some leaves. So I ended up giving them some money to leave me alone. Now I cant afford to have my hair cut to do that flippy thing. I'm gonna cry about that later. I still might have enough for some untra black dye though. So thats good.

Im so depressed. Id cut myself, but I gave my knife away to some hunter. So now Ive got nothing left inside but dispair. So depressing.

I feel like a taco.

(Stolen shamelessy from Zarkane)

Posted by at 08:32 AM | Comments (1)