December 23, 2003

Holiday membership low? No problem...

So we have another day with low numbers of players logging in due to the holiday season. So what do we do if we can't raid the big stuff? We feed our raiding jones by raiding smaller stuff that still has a chance to drop upgrades for the players that were online.

So bored to tears, 2.5 groups of Underguild members storm into Ssra and whack Rhag 1, Rhag 2, and XTC (we really really REALLY do seem to kill him a lot). XTC started out extremely bad due to a fubared rampage list, but people followed orders and we avoided the wipe. Just wish we coulda had the extra handful of players needed log in for an AL kill.

Guildies were ridiculed, mobs were killed, and upgrades were looted. All in all, a pretty normal day despite the lack of people we had online. We also welcomed a few more of our close friends into the fold. Hopefully their stay in UG will be a long and enjoyable one.

Since I'm seriously doubting we'll have near enough players to raid tomorrow or the following day, chances are there won't be another update. So til the next time, enjoy your holidays and spending time with the people you love.

Cool Yules fuggeroos


And here's the rewards for the effort....


Not a bad haul for minimal effort...

Posted by at 09:21 PM | Comments (1)

December 21, 2003

Enough is Enough Already

How many nights in a row are we going to continue having our server crash? It's been down once or twice everyday now since the last patch. ARRRGH!!! Wish the fuggin Q would stay up at least 24 hours once so we could have a better variety of mobs to hit!!! But til that happens, we'll be stuck doing a LOT of BoT Towers.

However...there was no BoT tonight. Thorvin got ballsy and decided to lead a raid this afternoon, so he took a couple of groups in and whacked Vindi. Grats on yer first raid leading experience Thor...don't let the raid leaders know you had fun doing it or you'll find it yer new part time job.

After Vindi, we started talking about other mobs to hit since some of our favorites were up...lo and behold...server crash!!!

Recruiting Update

We finally have our Guild Background and Recruiting Rules/Guild Guidelines up. Please note though, recruiting is still not opened to the general public until after we have our loot rules hammered out.

Til the next update

Later fuggeroos


Vindi was stingy as hell with the lewtz, but here it is anyway...


Posted by at 10:31 PM | Comments (0)

December 20, 2003

,|,, Emergency Patches ,,|,

Yes, we know yer prolly expecting to see something new and exciting for lewtz, and if it wouldn't have been for the server reset you prolly would have. Yay for emergency patches late in the afternoon screwing with all the mob timers! It really sucks when you have the people online to do something, but you can't because nothing has respawned. Not much you can do about it though except just hope the mobs will be up for ya the next day.

That's not to say we didn't kill anything. No sirree. We just got stuck killing the same stuff again that we've killed the past few days. We really do kill other things besides XTC and BoT Towers....promise! Hopefully tomorrow we'll have new stuff.

In other news, we welcomed a few more of our long time friends into our fold. Welcome to the new home guys and gals.

That's about it for today.

Hopin to show ya'll more tomorrow...

peace fuggeroos


ps. Vilix should have logged in tonight. Fuggin slacker bard. He'll prolly use some lame excuse involving RL or something...

Money shots inc...


Posted by at 11:33 PM | Comments (1)

December 19, 2003

Yay lewtz!!! Boo 1017!!!

Another day, another raid, and another chance for SOE to make our lives as difficult as possible.

While waiting around for members to log in so we could go after a nice target, we finally got bored and decided we'd take out the BoT Towers while we waited. So the troops rallied up, and we strolled on in to the land of the giants.

The first thing we learned...the lull nerf really sux!!! Not only did they change the timer on the bard lulls (which honestly needed it), but they managed to screw the timers on Harmony and Pacification as well. These spells are basically worthless on a raid now except for problem pulls. Hopefully they'll fix this and at least get the timers on HoN and Paci back up to normal.

Second thing we learned: BoT Towers bosses still wish to continue their "Feed Underguild Lewtz" charity fund.

The loot tables were being generous on the first 2 bosses, then SOE decided enough was enough and forced our raid to slowly start LD'ing. After the LDs, the evil megacorporation force fed all of us that LD'ed 1017 errors until we finally just called it a night in frustration.

This sucked goat nug for 2 reasons:

a) We still had 2 more BoT bosses to kill
b) We had planned on killing a god afterwards

It's the man trying to keep us down! Fight the power!

More on Recruiting

We're just about finished with our recruiting standards. I finally managed to bust a set of guild guidelines and recruiting standards that the officers agreed with. Now I just need to get someone to proofread/edit em so they're more "grammar friendly" and official sounding.

After that's finished, we'll just need to polish up the loot rules and then we'll be ready to open the floodgates. But until that time, we'll continue only tagging our closest of friends.

So just hang in there, I'm more than positive that we'll be ready to initiate the recruiting some time next week.

That's it for today...

Keep it real fuggeroos...all <3 no h8


ps. Just so everyone knows, Nagi really sux at poker. Get him drunk and take his money! It's the "in thing" now. All the kids are doing it.

Now for the gratuitous lewtz shots...


Posted by at 11:21 PM | Comments (1)

December 18, 2003

First Raid With Our New Tag

So after a few days of getting settled in to our new surroundings, we finally get our tag. With most of us wanting to raid on our tag day...

So after a few days of getting settled in to our new surroundings, we finally get our tag. With most of us wanting to raid on our tag day and RotK killing our numbers online that night, we postponed our first officially guildtagged raid by one day and went after one of our favorite mobs.

By the time it was all said and done, XTC was killed for the first time by the Underguild tag. I'm sure it won't be his last time feeding us loot.

The "No int caster loot while Naginata is in attendance" hypothesis is proving to be true.

Now then, for other idle talk. Yes, we know our page is pretty bland at the moment. Hopefully we'll have that fixxed soon so we don't look so institutionalized.

And for all you players on the Q that have been sending us tells asking about recruitment...hang in there. Our recruiting will start just as soon as we finish banging out our recruiting rules, general guild guidelines, and loot rules. As soon as those are done, you'll see it posted here. I'm hoping that it will be taken care of by the end of next week/the first of the following week. With the holidays here, it's hard to get the work done as fast as we need to, but we are trying.

And to all our friends out there on the Q, thank you for all your support and best wishes with our new guild. It means a lot to all of us to see ppl cheering us on.

Later fuggers!

And now, the lewtz!


Posted by at 11:07 PM | Comments (1)

December 17, 2003

First Post!

The Underguild news page and message board are live! Visit the message board here!

Posted by at 11:25 AM | Comments (0)